On July 21, 2022 the Nez Perce Tribe and Wallowa Lake Lodge dedicated the Wallowa Lake Conservation Easement in a public ceremony that was hosted at the Wallowa Lake Lodge in Joseph, Oregon.
This is taken from a press release from the Nez Perce Tribe,
“Since time immemorial, Wallowa Lake has served as the cultural heart of the local Nez Perce Wal’wama Band. The Conservation Easement encompasses the 9.22-acre Lodge property, including its open ground, towering old growth trees, and riparian wetlands at the confluence of the upper Wallowa River and Wallowa Lake. The Cayuse-Nez Perce word for this special place is Waala’amkt, “where the braided stream disappears beneath the water.”
The Conservation Easement, acquired in late 2020 and today held in perpetuity by the Nez Perce Tribe, will ensure protection of fisheries habitat and cultural resources by precluding or restricting additional development, especially in the Aquatic Zone A (see attached map.) It allows use of the property for a variety of activities, but does not allow permanent structures in protected areas (Zones A & B). Limited construction is permitted in two modest building envelopes (Zone C).
The Nez Perce Tribe and Wallowa Lake Lodge welcome the public to attend this long-awaited dedication. Tribal Chairman Sam Penney will lead this celebration to officially dedicate the Easement. Others will comment on its cultural significance, and implications for future management of the Wallowa Lake Basin.
Eastern Oregon Legacy Lands (Wallowology) and Oregon State Parks worked closely with the Tribe and Lodge to help bring this unique partnership to fruition. Funding for the $1M project includes generous grants from the Collins Foundation, Healy Foundation, Oregon Community Foundation, Murdock Charitable Trust, Meyer Memorial Trust, and Pacific Power Foundation. As well, Craft3, a bank based in Astoria, and a Bank of Eastern Oregon, played critical roles.”